Trad and novice

Posted by in Alpinism, Climbing, Photo, Your trip

Here we are again hard at work in this fall 2016, with the machine: Fred. To overcome a failure in its repertoire the escaladesque we enjoy a cool day and almost rain, to tame the adventure playground. After a few demos, the machine does not let pray for testing new best friends: stoppers and other “friends”. Purpose of the maneuver, in big climb this beautiful limestone slashed miles cracks, by putting each one 50cm nuts or friends and of course test. For this, nothing like a good pedal on the aforementioned removable protection and to ascend above.
It is not there to clear the way, but to learn to properly place these “friends”, to enter the world coveted the Land of Adventure. After 2 lengths, we enjoy the shock of heaven, to make us safe. This pause will be welcome for learning various manipulations, including different hauling. Technique to output a climbing partner of a big fat no evil!
Past ramée we go on in smurf fashion glossy tiles. Suffice to say that the ice is next to the gnognote. The Machine in action défouraillera this beautiful length flawless, before rain again make its appearance for longer leave. A final stint on spoilers and “friends” will end our day. Happy to have taken advantage of mixed weather window to stall things. So we are ready to continue our adventures!

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